Loi de Zipf - Analyse de Brown Corpus

UFR de sociologie et d'informatique pour les sciences humaines

Programmation de Modèles Linguistiques (I) 2020-21

Carlos González et Gaël Lejeune

Chargement de bibliothèques

In [1]:
from nltk.corpus import brown
from functools import reduce
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import re

Définition des fonctions

In [2]:
def load_brown_corpus():
    p = re.compile('\W')    
    texte = [token.lower() for token in brown.words()]
    texte = [token for token in texte if not p.match(token)]

    return texte
def texte_to_dict(texte):
    texte_dict = {}
    for token in texte:
        if token in texte_dict:
            texte_dict[token] += 1
            texte_dict[token] = 1

    return texte_dict

def dict_to_list(texte_dict):

    for mot in texte_dict.keys():
        texte_list.append([texte_dict[mot], mot])    

    return texte_list

def afficher_n(texte_list, n):
    cumul = 0
    for _ in range(n):
        cumul += texte_list[_][0]
        print("{}\t{}\t{}\t\t{:.0f}".format(_+1, texte_list[_][1], texte_list[_][0], texte_list[0][0]/(_+1)))
    total = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [_[0] for _ in texte_list])
    prop = cumul/total*100
    print("Ces {} mots représentent le {:0.2f}% du corpus".format(n, prop))

def plot_zipf(texte_list, log=False):
    pyplot.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [15, 10]

    y = [_[0] for _ in texte_list]

    y_ = []
    for _ in range(len(texte_list)):

    pyplot.plot(y, "-", label="Réelle")
    pyplot.plot(y_, "--", label="Approximation (Zipf)") 
    if log:
    pyplot.title("Loi de Zipf (Brown Corpus)")

Analyse du corpus

In [3]:
texte = load_brown_corpus()
print("Quantité des mots (tokens) :", len(texte))
print("Quantité des mots differentes (types) :", len(set(texte)))
Quantité des mots (tokens) : 1012528
Quantité des mots differentes (types) : 49398
In [4]:
['the', 'fulton', 'county', 'grand', 'jury', 'said', 'friday', 'an', 'investigation', 'of', "atlanta's", 'recent', 'primary', 'election', 'produced', 'no', 'evidence', 'that', 'any', 'irregularities', 'took', 'place', 'the', 'jury', 'further', 'said', 'in', 'term-end', 'presentments', 'that', 'the', 'city', 'executive', 'committee', 'which', 'had', 'over-all', 'charge', 'of', 'the', 'election', 'deserves', 'the', 'praise', 'and', 'thanks', 'of', 'the', 'city', 'of']
In [5]:
texte_dict = texte_to_dict(texte)
In [6]:
mots = ["the", "of", "and", "i"]
for mot in mots:
    print("{}\t{}".format(mot, texte_dict[mot]))
mot	frequence
the	69971
of	36412
and	28853
i	5164
In [7]:
texte_list = dict_to_list(texte_dict)
In [8]:
afficher_n(texte_list, 20)
rang	mot	frequence	frequence(Zipf)
1	the	69971		69971
2	of	36412		34986
3	and	28853		23324
4	to	26158		17493
5	a	23195		13994
6	in	21337		11662
7	that	10594		9996
8	is	10109		8746
9	was	9815		7775
10	he	9548		6997
11	for	9489		6361
12	it	8760		5831
13	with	7289		5382
14	as	7253		4998
15	his	6996		4665
16	on	6741		4373
17	be	6377		4116
18	at	5372		3887
19	by	5306		3683
20	i	5164		3499
Ces 20 mots représentent le 31.08% du corpus
In [9]:
plot_zipf(texte_list[:135], log=False)